Appendix lullabies poems for kids children created for the baby could fall asleep quickly and easily. They have a relaxing effect, helping to calm the central nervous system and to prepare the child to rest.Lullabies lyrics - an extensive selection of audio poetic works about sleep and sleep. In combination with quiet music and soothing visuals, it helps the child to fall asleep quickly.The application has a simple and intuitive device that allows them to easily use.It contains works:• Konstantin Balmont• Elena Grigorieva• Irina Tokmakova• Marina Feigin• Samuel Marshak• Elena Lipatova• Vladimir Orlov• Elena Tkach• Peter Sinyavsky• Ivan Demyanovand other writers.As well as the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Tchaikovsky Piotr, Claude Debussy and other composers.Poetry takes Tatiana Danchishina,